Genome assemblies

HiCognition allows managing genome assemblies to be able to work with different assemblies and organisms in parallel.

Adding genome assemblies

To add a genome assembly click the Add Genome Assembly button in the data management drawer:

add genome assembly menu

This will open a dialogue that lets you define a new genome assembly:

add genome assembly form

Here you need to give your assembly a name (this needs to be unique), select the corresponding organism, and upload a file specifying the sizes of the chromosomes and the chromosomal arms. The chromosome sizes file needs to define the name, start, and end of each chromosome and use a tab-separator:

Chromosome sizes

chr1    0   1000000
.       .       .
.       .       .
.       .       .

The chromosome arms file needs to define the chromosomal arms also with name, start and end and use a tab-separator:

Chromosome arms

chrom   start       end
chr1    0           125200000
chr1    125200000   249250621
.       .           .
.       .           .
.       .           .

Here, the two arms are written in separate rows with the same chromosome name as an identifier.

Managing genome assemblies

You can view your genome assemblies by clicking the Show Genomes button in the data management drawer:

show genome menu

This will open a dialogue that lets you view all available genome assemblies:

genome assembly table

Here, you can look at all the genomes and check how many datasets depend on them.

If you want to delete a genome, first delete all dependent datasets, then you can delete it from the genome table.